Sunday, June 18, 2017

"Seven Days" and "Two More Weeks" by cattykitty

This is probably the most "realistic" Sailor Moon fanfic series out there. It's told from the points-of-view of Mamoru, Usagi, and Motoki in turn. Mamoru and Motoki are crass and misogynistic when together. It's a coming-of-age story that's all about the complicated relationship Usagi and Mamoru share, and how they need to balance their mutual disdain and mutual attraction. Not to mention Mamoru is pretty much destined to be the ruler of Earth and all that, but I imagine that comes into play later.

There's an AU aspect to this in the sense that Mina has changed some things that were not changed before. And Luna is conspicuously absent throughout a lot of the story.

I love how dark this series is. I wouldn't classify it as a romance, but I imagine it could get there. Unfortunately, the series hasn't been updated in a while, and I fear it may never be concluded. The writer ended on a bit of a cliffhanger, so I would wager she's a bit torn about where to take the story from there.

But this is probably my SECOND favorite Sailor Moon series out there. It's very sexual (Mamoru is portrayed as the erstwhile playboy, natch), and definitely not "politically correct," but there's something so beautiful about the way the story unfolds. It won't give you feels, but it will make you think.

In fact, I  think about this fic a lot - in the beginning Mamoru seems beyond redemption, but it almost seems like he's the one reaching a light at the end of the tunnel, and Motoki, at the beginning the brighter of the two, seems to be the one who's falling more and more into depravity. Really good story. It's a story as much about their friendship as it is about Mamoru and Usagi fucking. And of course they decide to start fucking, like that never complicates things. Like I said, not romantic in the traditional sense, but so unique.

If I were to continue a story, I definitely think it would be this one, if only for my own amusement. I've mapped out the days and plot, cattykitty. I could do it. Don't tempt me.

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