Monday, April 30, 2012

"Mrs Figg and the Basilisk" by poosandwichesarecool123HP

Oh, you.

Writing Suggestions from Yours Truly, Number Five

If you're going to write a slash fic, maybe you should ask yourself if the way you're validating your pairing is by demonizing a female character. There's already enough rampant misogyny in the world as it is; the last thing we need is to tear each other down as well.

Monday, April 23, 2012

"Dumbledore's Army and the Year of Darkness" by thanfiction

I'm not really familiar with thanfiction's fandom history  but this is a pretty well-done fic with a fairly ardent fanbase. I usually try not to rec stuff that's already well-known unless I truly love it (like "My Immortal" or "Slytherin Spy") but I really quite enjoyed this and I figured, Why the hell not?

It's about what happened for the DA during year seven. Pretty enjoyable.

"Muse" by remuslives23

You've got to appreciate a fic that includes the warning: "Sex. Oral, anal, rimming (very mild)."

This is some pretty straightforward erotica, although it's relatively well-written and believable. Remuslives does a fairly good job of using the sex in her stories as a means of character development. It's not exactly my cup of tea, but I can appreciate what she does, for the most part.

Speaking of the way she relates to canon in this AU story, I enjoyed the way she used James and Peter, and Remus's muggle parallel is very lovely. Sirius's plot, however, gets a bit lost in the shuffle and I sometimes found him lacking depth. But, like I said, this is SMUT, so, who really cares?