Sunday, July 31, 2011

RIP Perfect Imagination

You were a great resource and becoming a beta reader made me the best writer I could ever be.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Writing Suggestion from Yours Truly, Number Four

The word "homophobic" in a fanfic bugs me.  I think because it hints that the writer's not going to be handling the subject very subtly.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

"Moving On" by LadyKatie

Fuck, I love this fanfic. It's Harry/Draco, post DH. It's canon compliant (minus the epilogue, natch), and just ... fuck.

It wasn't perfect. There were a couple of scenes where I rolled my eyes (and some cringeworthy sex), but nothing that made me stop reading. I also love how this fic explored the notion of Wizarding Britain after Voldemort's fall.

I mentioned in my last post that I was never a Harry/Draco fan, but if one fic were to make me like the pairing, this is it. This is my "Dating Disasters of Sirius Black" for all the Drarry shippers out there. This makes sense to me.

Friday, February 25, 2011

"It's Not a Love Potion" by CrystalP374

Did you know that before "Misadventures," I had never, ever read a Harry/Draco fic? Not once. Slash is never something I've actively sought out, and I've always preferred good writing over smut, anyway. But people like what they like, and I can't blame them! I mean, we're all in the fanfic boat, so I can't really afford to throw anyone off.

However, there is such a thing as well-written smut, which is pretty much what this is.

It's smut, but as "realistic" as it can be. It's a bit silly, but the author's totally aware, so it's bearable.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

"Harry's Brom" by Hans van Hozel

Hans is one of the most interesting writers I've read in a long time. The way he plays around with the constructs of the English language is amazing. The way he continually references the moon, using it as this analogy for the emptiness of existence is amazing. Hans dares ask, "What does Harry's broom feel?"

The romance between Harry's Broom, Brom, and Harry's owl, Hedwig, is beautiful and realistic. They both can fly, but neither one has a concrete identity. They both "belong" to someone else - Harry. Can you belong to someone else, and still be your own owl or broom? It's a worthy question to ask. I could do a Marxist reading of this, and perhaps someday I will.